Our Services

Baby Shower

Celebrate the spirit of parenthood in just the right way

Baby Shower

Parenting is a wonderful experience. It's both humbling and empowering at the same time. As the saying goes, great power also comes with great responsibility. We assert that a fantastic De Colors Caterer tea experience comes at our baby shower events. Only if you choose the finest choice.

Speciality Menus

Over the course of our 12-plus-year journey, we have witnessed some of our customers' favorite menus

Customize your menu

De Color Caterer offers affordable menus within your budget

Baby Shower Menu

Assorted Soft Drinks Counter
Water Counter
Salad Counter
Pan Counter


Mochar Chop with Green Chutney
Fish Croquettes with Mustard Sauce

Main Course:

Basmati Rice
Sona Moong Dal
Jhuri Aloo Bhaja
Echor Chingri
Doi Katla
Sorshe Pabda
Chingri Malaicurry
Mishti Doi

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